Audrey was born in the quaint town of Cambria, CA where the "Pines meet the Sea" to an artistic German father & an inventive seamstress mother. Painting at a young age, Audrey's creative talents grew when her mother moved her to Durango, CO after a year long journey through 14 states, Canada & Mexico. In Durango, Audrey flourished in her artistic abilities & she began to embark on her new found passion, Photography.
Self-taught, Audrey has been developing her Photography techniques for over 10 years. She currently resides with her husband & 4 quirky animals in the town of Durango, CO where she spends her time cooking, painting, traveling & savoring the many outdoor activities that Colorado has to offer.
Self-taught, Audrey has been developing her Photography techniques for over 10 years. She currently resides with her husband & 4 quirky animals in the town of Durango, CO where she spends her time cooking, painting, traveling & savoring the many outdoor activities that Colorado has to offer.